
** Agendas are key in home/school communication. They are used to keep students organized and inform parents of what’s going on in the classroom. I will write notes to parents in the agendas when necessary. Parents also can write notes to me of any important information I need to know. Therefore the agendas must be at school everyday! I sign every agenda each day and students should take the agendas home nightly to show parents their homework and reminder notes. I am looking for parent signatures so I know parents are aware of homework and any important issues.

** Water bottles should be brought to school. I encourage students to bring water bottles to have in our classroom. Students will then be able to get a drink when necessary and not leave the classroom during class time. They can be refilled during nutrition breaks so they are full for the next class.

** Indoor shoes are required at all times. Students must have indoor shoes on in the classroom at all times. Phys. Ed. class is on Day 3 this year. Indoor running shoes (with non-marking soles) are needed for gym. Students are encouraged to be prepared with outdoor running shoes too, just in case and to have a change of clothes to participate in gym classes. We have discussed the importance of using deoderant after gym class as well. No spray deoderants or body sprays are allowed.

** Room 230 has 5 classroom rules: 1. Respect yourself, your peers, and your teachers; 2. Keep your hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself; 3. Be prepared and complete all work to the best of your ability; 4. Listen carefully and follow all instructions the first time given; and 5. Complete seat work cooperatively and quietly.

** Kleenex and paper towels. Please send in a box of kleenex and a roll of paper towel to stock up our classroom. We no longer can get paper towel for our classroom as the board has implemented new hand dryers and the school no longer orders paper towel for the classrooms. Thank you!